Stamped traverse for cross stitch embroidery “Ampelos”


Stamped traverse for cross stitch embroidery “Ampelos”

It is printed in Ecru-Gold etamina Rhodes that in the empty points beyond the design does not want filling!

The design is printed in colorful with a special print that helps to make the cross stitch easily, right on the fabric box (like an embroidery counter).

They are finished quickly and have a low cost because only the design is embroidered, while the background remains as it is, as the etamina “Rhodes” is a modern fancy embroidery fabric.

They are easily embroidered because the etamine has distinct holes and the needle passes easily.

Etamine dimension 45 x 145 cm
Design dimension 30 x 130 cm

2 in stock

Product Sum:
ΤΗΛ. ΠΑΡΑΓΓΕΛΙΕΣ 25510 37363
SKU: KE-83.01-1 Categories: , ,